sábado, 22 de octubre de 2016

Get Fit Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually!



One of the secrets to charge-up your career is your health. I"m not talking about joining a gym, although that may be a good idea as well.   What  I am suggesting though is a three pronged approach to getting fit physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I love the reaction I get from some people when I mention the third prong. Physically fit simply means taking care of your body in the traditional sense. It means making sure that  you  aren"t  doing  things that will  hurt  you . It means eating food that is good for  you , and not over-indulging yourself.  You  already  know  what  that means; eat a balanced meal of mixed foods groups. It is so easy.

I am not selling a diet here. I am saying do what mom said when  you  were a kid. Eat some vegetables, some fruit, some carbs, and some protein. You should snack very little and limit your sugar intake. Don"t use artificial sweeteners. Recently released research suggests that cancer cells are fueled by sugar.

Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size. When the person"s immune system is strong some types of cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

When a person has cancer, it often indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

Staying physically fit also means getting enough sleep, and limiting your alcohol consumption. I recommend you quit alcohol completely if you can as it is just sugar, but moderation is fine as well. And stop smoking today. Throw the cigarettes away.

And for exercise, you can just walk. As for the disclaimer, before starting anything strenuous, see a doctor to ensure you are healthy enough for physical exercise. If you are, then you can walk around the block or on a treadmill. All you need to do is ensure that your heart is pumping and your joints are moving.

And don"t ignore personal hygiene. Shower daily. Wash your hair. Clip your nails. Brush your teeth. Use deodorant and mouthwash. Silly points? How many people  do  you  work with that smell bad? Or are  you  one of them?

The next is emotional fitness. This is a complex subject that I address in my book, but basically it means clearing up all of your emotional baggage from the past. Address your relationship problems. Apologize to those  you  have  hurt , get over the men or women who have  hurt  you , and resolve to address all future mistakes immediately. There is a lot to this. I am not suggesting anything that will  hurt  you  or others. I am talking about making amends to people that you have strained relationships with. Now listen, don"t go confessing to something you  did  that will land you jail. That would be stupid. I am talking about simple things like getting over that girl that dumped you, that boss that yelled at you, that co-worker who gossiped about you. I want to unburden your guilt and shame. I mean playing ball with your son, reading to your daughter, and asking your husband how his day was without trying to top him with yours!

Get rid of all of the stuff that makes  you  less of the man or woman that  you  want to be. And when  you  mess up in the future, deal with it right away, and then let it go. Forgive and forget. Be the bigger person. Hakuna matata means no worries!! Email me any other cliches I"ve missed.  You  know  instinctively  what  I mean here, so  do  it.  Do  you  want to right, or happy? If  you  answered "right", then stop reading - there is no hope for  you .

The last component is spiritual fitness. For the atheists,  you  too can stop reading here. I have no interest in helping or  hurting  your cause. For the believers and agnostics, I want  you  to find a higher power. Just accept that you are not the top of the food chain, nor smart enough to understand some things that only your higher power  knows . Believe that an unseen force greater than  you  is conducting the orchestra.  You  also need to  know  that this higher power of your"s wants to help  you  succeed, get you  what  you want, and for you to be happy. I absolutely know that and you can too if you work for it.

There"s more, but I"ve run out of room.

The secret to all around good health is that you must get fit and do all three of these fitness components in order. Yes, they must be done in this order:

1- Physical

2- Emotional

3- Spiritual

Have I piqued your curiosity?


Source by Mike Edwards

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