lunes, 31 de octubre de 2016

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Photo Sharpening Tips - All Your Photos Are Blurry


All of your photos are blurry and out of focus. You may think they look okay, but they all could look a lot better. This article will tell you how to sharpen and enhance any photo to make them look clearer and more in focus.

We as humans have a tendency to tolerate soft or out-of-focus photos unaware they can be dramatically improved. You would think high quality cameras and scanners would produce sharp images but that"s not the case. The process of transferring a three dimensional view into two dimensions mashes and destroys edges of items in photos.

This is the world"s simplest definition of an oddly named function that will brilliantly sharpen any photo and may already be in a program you own. The term is called Unsharp Mask. If you don"t know what that is, you should. Lots of photo software programs have the Unsharp Mask function. Using photo editing software you can apply this procedure to make any photo sharper with more visual appeal.

The benefits of this Unsharp Mask procedure are well known in the printing and graphics arts industries and have been for decades. Think about it for a moment; the older the photo or movie, the blurrier or more out of focus it is. Photos and movies became sharper through the years as these industries used a hardware version of the Unsharp Mask technique well before digital camera days.

Unsharp Mask is an overlooked way to improve photos that would make many of them pop off the screen or page. This is likely because few people understand it. All definitions of the term Unsharp Mask seem to be impossibly technical and difficult to grasp.

Greatly simplifying the actual process, if you took a picture, copied it, made the copy slightly more blurry than the original then blended the two back together, you would end up with what looks like the faint ghost of the original image. This is the filter or "mask" that Unsharp Mask uses.

Unsharp Mask recreates an image using the original, filtered through this mask like water through a water filter - the ghost or filter image defines edges more sharply than the original when mixed again. This resharpening or Unsharp Mask procedure always improves images to some degree and often results in an amazing, three dimensional look that visually grabs and absorbs you much more than the original.

There are five terms needed to understand Unsharp Mask. Most explanations have three: Amount, Radius and Threshold but understanding two more terms may help to understand it better:

Edge. Areas where items in an image begin and end. All objects have edges that are more or less clear or defined. Some objects will have gradual changes from one edge to the next, and others will have sudden changes. A waterfall will have many gradual edges. Buildings tend to have sharply defined or sudden edges.

Tone shift. Technically this is defined as adjoining areas having significantly different hue or tone. More simply a tone shift is the boundaries of places in the image where significant content changes. Think of a tone shift as the edge of one object and its opposite edge flipped over of the area that the edge is touching. Very simply, a tone shift is a double-edge.

Tone shifts have varying degrees of strength themselves depending on whether the content is gradually changing from one result to another, or whether the content change is abrupt or sudden as you look across the image. If you can grasp the concept of a tone shift, then the three values of the Unsharp Mask function become much more understandable:

Amount. Tone shift contrast.

Radius. Tone shift size.

Threshold. Tone shift definition.

That"s the shortest, simplest explanation you"ll find for these concepts, and while this greatly oversimplifies their meaning thinking of the three Unsharp Mask settings in this way can allow you to actually use it in photo editing software with more success. These three concepts more fully explained:

Amount. Tone shift contrast amount. The amount is a percent number used to tell Unsharp Mask how much contrast will be added to tone shifts.

Radius. Tone shift size amount. Tells Unsharp Mask how big or wide the tone shifts are. Radius will give tone shifts a glow or halo effect, especially if overused.

Threshold. Tone shift detail definition. Tells Unsharp Mask how wide a tone shift must be for it to be considered a tone shift. This allows Unsharp Mask to be applied without amplifying image noise or fine detail that doesn"t need sharpening.

Unsharp Mask Values. The numbers that actually go into the three values of Amount, Radius and Threshold can also be confusing. This is because the numbers are not of the same type and photo software can have their own definitions (and even names) for these settings. Amount is a percent, Radius is a number that can represent pixels or sometimes down to one-fourth of a pixel depending on the photo software, and Threshold is most commonly a value from 0 to 5: 0 will define everything as tone shifts to be sharpened, 5 will define only the largest tone shifts to be sharpened and beyond 5 usually has little effect because hardly any edge will be defined as a tone shift. However photo editing software can define the Threshold number setting much differently.

Because Unsharp Mask settings can be difficult to understand by reading the definitions, use photo editing software that has slider bars to get a feel for how Unsharp Mask behaves. The photo software should also show an automatic preview of the result as slider positions change. Photoshop®, Paint Shop Pro® and a photo enlargement software product called Imagener - - have the Unsharp Mask with auto-preview function built into them. Imagener shows automatic previews of the full size image.

It takes practice to come up with the right combination of Unsharp Mask settings for an image, but use it if you have photo editing software that has this function keeping at least the simple definitions above in mind. All images will look better with Unsharp Mask applied often so much so that you will be amazed with the results.


Source by Don Henderson

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domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

Canning - How To Can Homemade Fig Preserves With Recipe and Tips


During the summertime, I look forward to purchasing a lot of great tasting figs from our local fruit orchard and one of the recipes I enjoy making with them is Fig Preserves.

If you are not familiar with how to purchase and store figs, let me give you a few tips. Figs are a very fragile fruit so they need to be handled carefully. You never want to toss them around in your shopping bag or basket. When selecting the perfect fruit, you always want to check for blemishes and only purchase ripe ones that are defect free. Figs do not have a long shelf life so they need to be eaten up within 2 days of purchasing them. When storing them, store at room temperature and allow the air to circulate around them. You do not want to store your figs near a heat source or window.

Serving Ideas: Fig Preserves are great served on fresh bread, on bagels, as a pancake topping, on muffins and rolls, with crackers or as a marinade for poultry.

Canning - Homemade Fig Preserves Recipe

4 lbs. fresh ripe figs

4 1/2 lbs. granulated sugar

1/3 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice

1 lemon, thinly sliced and seeds removed

tap water

You will want to start out by washing and drying your figs. Cut them down and mash them with a potato masher. In a large stock pot, combine the mashed figs, granulated sugar, lemon juice and the lemon slices. Pour in just enough tap water to help dissolve the granulated sugar. Turn the heat up on your burner to medium-high and bring the mixture to a rapid boil and boil for 12-15 minutes. You will need to stir the mixture pretty often to keep it from scorching. (tip: I like using a silicone spatula for stirring so that the mixture doesn"t stick to my spoon).

Once it is done cooking, ladle the preserves into hot, clean, pint sized glass canning jars. You will want to process them in your water bath canner for about 10 minutes or follow the directions that came with your canner for processing preserves.

Once they are done processing, remove them from the water bath canner (allow the water to drain off the jar and back into the canner) and place them onto a wire rack to cool. Once cool, label your jars. Your new fig preserves will keep for up to 1 year if they have been canned properly.


Source by Shelly Hill


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Tips For Maximizing Your Weight Loss


There are tips for maximizing your weight loss especially if you want to lose weight fast and efficiently. The secret is to work not only on changing your eating and exercise habits but also in changing your way of thinking about the work you are doing. This article gives you tips on how to get the most from your eating, exercise and thinking to maximize your weight loss.

1. Prime your body for weight loss. The problem with many diets is that they don"t break the old inefficiencies set up in the body from years of eating abuse. If you have eaten a diet overridden by refined carbohydrates in the past then take a two week period to "eat clean". What this means is avoid processed, packaged or refined carbohydrates for 2 weeks. This makes your body shift away from the easy energy provided by these quick carbs and forces it to begin to burn body fat for energy.

2. Give your exercise a boost. This can be a sticking point for many people because they feel they lack the energy or time for exercise but here is the thing, your body desperately wants to move. Yes your body will feel sore for a few days but it will easily and quickly adapt and you will soon feel the positive effects and this better feeling body will provide its own form of motivation.

3. Mindset matters. If you think you can just eat differently and exercise differently and have long-term weight loss success then think again. To maximize your weight loss you must have your head in the right place and that place is focused on success.

Results do not come without challenges and you must be mentally prepared for such things as unexpected snacks in the staff room, a week where the scale doesn"t drop and other unforeseen issues. Keep your mind locked on the reward that awaits you and don"t let yourself get caught up in the day-to-day tasks that need to be done.

Use these tips for maximizing your weight loss and you will find that your diet, exercise and thoughts are all working together to create the ideal body you deserve.


Source by Dr. Becky Gillaspy

Best Abs Diet Weight Loss Tips - Our Top Ten


  1. Don"t eat just three times a day. An abs diet program uses six small meals a day, spread over the course of a day. This ensures that the metabolism is kept up and the dieter will not feel hungry.

  2. Each meal should contain at least one of the 12 groups of abs diet powerfoods. When combined together as part of a healthy diet, the 12 abs diet powerfoods will work together and will help to: build muscle, promote weight loss, strengthen bone, lower blood pressure, fight cancer, improve immune function and fight heart disease.

  3. An abs diet workout routine is designed to both lose fat and build muscle. The reason for this is that if we add one pound of lean muscle our body will burn up to 50 more calories a day.

  4. Crunches alone will not get you a set of six-pack abs. An abs diet workout routine targets all of the main muscle groups.

  5. Allow yourself a once a week cheat meal where you can eat anything that you want. Amazingly, this can actually help you to lose weight as research has now shown that a single day of high-calorie eating can significantly boost the metabolism.

  6. Save your cheat meal for the weekend, say a Friday or Saturday night. This will give you something to look forward to during the week.

  7. Buy a blender. Use a blender to make delicious, healthy smoothies. They are one of the best abs diet foods and are so quick and easy to make.

  8. If you feel the need to snack, don"t worry, it isn"t forbidden! Why not snack on a powerfood such as almonds or pumpkin seeds? One ounce of pumpkin seeds contains more than a third of our recommended daily intake of magnesium. They are both tasty and good for you!

  9. Start your day with a grapefruit! Studies have shown that eating one grapefruit a day can lower your bad cholesterol level by as much as ten percent and drop your blood pressure by more than five points.

  10. Don"t do it alone! Join a weight loss forum and share your experience with other dieters.


Source by Mark Ackerley

Easy And Doable Weight Loss Tips


 Weight  loss  is probably number one on every  woman"s  wish list. Who doesn"t want a slimmer, healthier body? However, losing  weight  can be a difficult task for any  woman , no matter how determined. That"s why today, we will be giving you a few  weight-loss  tips  to bring that bikini body one step closer to you.

Exercise, exercise, exercise

You"ve heard it before, and that"s because it"s an effective way of losing  weight . Time and time again, it has been proven that exercise plays a large factor in  weight  loss . The short-term benefits of exercise include the improvement of your circulatory and respiratory functions. When performed regularly, the long-term effects of exercise include increased circulation and significant drops in blood pressure. Even a fifteen-minute round of brisk walking can triple your metabolic rate.

Since even the word exercise makes some people run for the hills, it"s important that you choose a regimen that interests you. Try going on evening walks with your spouse, or getting one of your friends to sign on as your gym buddy!

Diet - but do it properly

Nowadays, with the advent of fad diets, there"s bound to be something to catch your eye. Still, it"s better to eat moderate portions than to go on crash diets which may cause more harm than good. To eat moderately, try ordering smaller portions than you normally would, or share with a friend.

Another diet plan is to space out your meals. Eating small but frequent meals spread throughout the day helps stave off cravings and hunger pangs, and will also boost your metabolism. Speaking of which...

Boost your metabolism

First, it"s important to know how metabolism works. Quite simply, it is the process where the food we consume is turned into energy we use. When the energy we use is less than our food intake, the extra energy is stored as fat.

According to studies,  women  lose  weight  at a lesser scale than men. There are several possible reasons behind this. Studies have shown that men have generally less body fat as compared to  women . Men, being more muscular, have a higher metabolic rate, allowing them to drop pounds faster. Additionally, there have been reports that show  women"s  bodies are biologically wired to rely more on fat as fuel. That means  women  need to exert a little more effort when trying to boost their metabolism.

So how do you get your metabolism pumped up? A few foods, such as coffee and chili peppers, have been shown to raise metabolic processes by stimulating the body. Changing your caloric intake on a regular basis may also have a positive effect, as the body may adjust to dieting by decreasing its metabolic rate.

The most foolproof way though, is to combine all methods into a personalized plan that is realistic and doable for you. As with all things in life, we have to make sacrifices to achieve our goals. In this case,  weight  loss  may be a tough challenge, but the result of a happier, healthier you is worth every effort.


Source by Saqlain Ali Shah

sábado, 29 de octubre de 2016

The Key to Successful Weight Loss For Women


Have you ever wondered why men seem to lose  weight  without really trying, while  women  seem to struggle to lose even a couple of pounds? It"s not all your imagination! It really is easier for men to lose  weight , or at least they seem to be able to do it quicker. Most of this ability for men to lose  weight  quicker than  women  has to do with their physiology.

The makeup of our bodies plays a major role in our  weight  loss  ability. Men"s bodies consist of more muscle mass while  women  naturally have more body fat. This excess body fat is a requirement  for  women  for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because men have more muscle mass, they"re able to consume more calories without gaining the  weight .

This does not mean that men will not gain  weight  - just not as easily as  women  will. This also does not mean that  weight  loss  for  women  is impossible. In fact, it"s very possible once you determine where you"re gaining your  weight  and the most effective methods of getting rid of the excess  weight .

While men tend to gain  weight  in their midsection,  women  are more prone to gaining in their hips, thighs and lower abdominal area. When you consider the reason men can lose  weight  so much easier than  women  (they have more muscles mass), it all becomes clear. By turning their "trouble spots" into more muscle,  weight  loss  of  women  becomes much easier.

Turning Fat into Muscle

 Women  can turn their troublesome fatty areas into muscle mass by  weight  and strength training. The more muscle mass you"re able to develop, the fewer fat deposits you"ll have. With more muscle mass in your body, you"ll also burn more calories both at rest and while you"re moving. In addition, because you have more muscles, you"re going to feel more energetic and will feel better all around. Your body will also require fewer calories.

One of the first myths  women  need to get rid of is that  weight  and strength training will result in unattractively large muscle. Strength training will increase the muscle fibers, which will change the shape of your muscles. This change will make it easier to lose  weight  because you"re decreasing your fatty tissues.

 Weight  lifting is one of the most effective methods of strength training  for  women  and is the most effective for successful  weight  loss  for  women . The goal is not to lift more than your body can handle. What really is a myth is "no pain no gain". If you overdo the  weight  lifting, you"re body will rebel and you"ll find yourself giving up before you"ve reached your goal.

An effective strength-training program can easily fit into your lifestyle and it will require minimal time and equipment. With the correct weight training machines or free weights, you can easily build up the strength of your muscles and keep your body in balance. When choosing weights, try to use a load that will produce muscle fatigue with 12-15 repetitions on the lower body and 8-12 repetitions on the upper body. You should not have to put in more than 20 to 30 minutes per day. If you have a gym near you, experimenting on the different  weights  will give you an idea of what your body can take.

Before you start any  weight  or strength building program, consult with your doctor first to ensure that you don"t have any health issues. You may also want to speak with a fitness professional as well. What may be the right program for one may not work for another.

Eating a Balance and Healthy Diet

While turning your fat into muscle is one of the most important things for successful  weight  loss  for  women , your diet will also play a large part in your success. Yes, it still goes back to everything we were told about eating right when we were growing up. We need to eat a balanced diet as well as a healthy diet. Keep in mind; however, that there is a difference between a balanced diet and a healthy diet.

A balanced diet will provide you with all the essential nutrients your body requires. It will provide you what a steady supply of vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients. However, many balanced diets are providing you with all the essential nutrients your body needs but may also be very high in sugar, salt or fatty foods.

It all goes down to the basics of good eating. Try to get something from all the major food groups: grains (breads, cereals and potatoes), fruits and vegetables, milk and dairy products and meats, fish and alternatives. Many people include fats and sugary foods into their diet as well. While this particular group may provide you with some of the essential nutrients your body requires, it will give you more calories than anything.

Eating something of each food group each day will fill you up quicker, but you"ll be filled up with healthy foods. When combining this diet with an effective strength building program, you"ll find losing  weight  and keeping it off may suddenly become very easy.


Source by Michael C Molloy

Al Bundy"s Best Insults

There was only one man who could insult people like only Al Bundy could! "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is ...


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Five Common Mythical Weight Loss Tips


You"ve probably heard plenty of  weight  loss  tips  over the years. Maybe someone told you to drink grapefruit juice before every meal to stimulate your metabolism or to load up on the black beans because the fiber will stop you from eating too much. Unfortunately, many of the  weight  loss  tips  we do know are really only myths.

Stay Away from Carbohydrates

This is one of the most common  weight  loss  tips  today thanks, in part, to the low-carb diet craze. Instead of dropping the bun from your hamburger, however, you should be finding more ways to balance your diet. To be healthy and to lose  weight  safely, you should be ensuring that your body gets all of the nutrients it needs and that include carbohydrates. Of course, you don"t want to overindulge in them either, especially if your diabetic. Eat carbs in moderation.

Use Artificial Sweeteners

One of the best things that happened to the diet industry was the invention of artificial sweeteners a few decades ago. The good news about the sweeteners is that they do result in lower calorie numbers for many of the foods we eat. However, what most people don"t realize is that these sweeteners can actually cause our bodies to desire more sweetness which can lead to us indulging in non-artificial sweets. The best bet is to avoid artificial sweeteners. If you do need to add a touch of sweetness to your coffee, tea, or cereal, use a small amount of real sugar instead.

Eat Fat-Free Foods

Another one of the  weight  loss  tips  people swallowed was the idea that by switching to fat-free foods they could eat almost anything they wanted while also being healthy. The idea was that it was the fat that was bad for us - nothing else. Doing some simple label reading and comparing could show you immediately why this is a myth. Many fat-free or reduced-fat foods replace the missing taste from the fat with other products that tend to increase the amount of carbohydrates and/or calories. Plus, you do need some fat in your diet. Eliminating it completely won"t do your body any good in the long run.

Increase Your Metabolism

Today, one of the biggest and most profitable  weight  loss  tips  is to boost your metabolism. While it is true that a faster metabolism is going to burn calories faster which can speed up  weight  loss  a little, you can"t do much to affect metabolism rates in a positive way. Suddenly not eating can drastically slow your metabolism. None of the supplements or pills on the market today have been proven effective at raising metabolism levels. If you are trying to speed it up, the best way is through exercise. You"ll have to burn more calories faster to give your body the extra energy it needs while you"re being active.

Eat Nothing

Starvation diets have long been one of those  weight  loss  tips  offered to people who want to drop pounds quickly. Unfortunately, it"s not healthy and will only cause your metabolism to slow to the point where you won"t be able to lose  weight  at all. Plus, you"ll be harming your overall health.


Source by Alan Chai