martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016

A Basic Hemorrhoid FAQ - What You Need To Know


Many people have questions surrounding hemorrhoids. They may need to know what they are, what the symptoms are and how to treat the condition. Here is what you need to know.

Q- Why do hemorrhoids form?

A- Hemorrhoids form when the pressure builds up inside the blood vessels in and around our rectal opening. As the blood pressure continues to act on the blood vessels they will swell and the sides can begin to bulge outwards. This pressure can build up for a number of reasons. Even something as simple as repeated straining to pass stools can cause a person to develop hemorrhoids.

Q- What are some common causes of hemorrhoids?

A- There are many things that can cause hemorrhoids. They can range from straining to pass stool, a diet that is low in fiber, age, genetics and some medical conditions such as pregnancy. If we spend a long period of time on the toilet we can also develop hemorrhoids because of the pressure we are putting on the blood vessels in and around our rectal opening.

Q- What are some symptoms of hemorrhoids?

A- Hemorrhoids can have many symptoms. Some of the most common include rectal bleeding, itching, a feeling of heaviness and pain. Depending on whether you have internal or external hemorrhoids you may find that your symptoms may be different. For example, internal hemorrhoids may not hurt as much but they may bleed more. External hemorrhoids often hurt more because of the location of nerve endings in the area around the rectal opening.

Q- What is the difference between external and internal hemorrhoids?

A- The only difference between external and internal hemorrhoids is their position. An internal hemorrhoid is one that is located inside the rectal opening. They are often less visible than an external hemorrhoid, which is one that forms outside of the rectal opening.

Q- What does it mean when a hemorrhoid becomes prolapsed?

A- When a hemorrhoid becomes prolapsed this means that it begins to stick out of the rectal opening. This happens with internal hemorrhoids especially if they are left untreated for some time. They are generally not serious unless their blood supply is cut off. Then they can become gangrenous which can be quite dangerous.

Q- Can hemorrhoids become a serious medical condition?

A- Yes. It is possible for a case of hemorrhoids to become serious and even life threatening. If you experience extensive blood loss you can become anemic. You may also find that some hemorrhoids will develop blood clots inside of them. Again, this can be a life threatening condition.


Source by Amy Wells

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