Intense sunlight and environmental conditions can damage the outdoor furniture, carpets and rugs. Rather than moving all of them inside in extreme sunlight and then again outside to enjoy the weather bamboo rollup blinds can save the trouble and prevent the damage too. Along with this it adds to the aesthetic look of the area with almost negligible economic cost. The roll up blinds serves good for privacy purpose too even at places like beaches, picnic spots, swimming pools and changing rooms.
Reliability and Beauty:
The bamboo rollup blinds are reliable in almost all the weather conditions ranging form mild to intense sunlight and from dry to wet weather. They provide protection and privacy at the same time in a pleasingly aesthetical way in all weathers but for their own safety are recommended to be rolled up in rain other wise the bamboo material may get damaged. They can be colored as well as painted with some scenery, picture to further beautify it.
Outdoor privacy:
Another point that adds to its reliability is that they are easily mobile since they can be rolled up thus taking less space and placed along with your luggage in a van or car. Hence they serve as a good privacy item when going to a beach, picnic point"s etc. they can be hanged on a campsite walls. In other words one can feel free from prying eyes even in the public places.
Bamboo rollup blinds installation:
Bamboo rollup blinds installation is quite easy and quick depending on its width. As for example for a six foot bamboo blind you need three points to hang it. One in the middle and one at each end, each point is inserted with a screw hook with a distance of 6-12 inches between the points. Now the bamboo can be hanged on to them preferably in the rolled up position initially.
Roll up blind"s other available widths and lengths in the market ranges from 2-10 feet and 4-8 feet respectively. The bamboo rollup blind"s lengths and widths can be adjusted according to customer"s preferences. Thus, allowing the customer other variations of width and lengths.
Cleaning of bamboo rollup blinds:
Like installation, its cleaning is also very simple and easy and doesn"t require any new item for it thus saving cost as well, the garden hose will do. Let it be squirted well by the garden hose to remove all the dust and dirt and roll it up once it dries up. Never roll up when wet because this will rot the bamboo, reason why many people prefer to keep the bamboo rollup in storage on the rainy seasons.
If the user no longer needs the bamboo rollup blinds for hanging such as if he wants to bring some changes to the sitting area still the bamboo rollup blinds doesn"t gets obsolete, they can be used in place of mats and rugs at picnic spots.
Source by David Faulkner
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