martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

500 Lovemaking Tips to Improve Your Love Life


One of the most important aspects of being in love is to enjoy a good, frequent, satisfactory physical relationship with your partner. If you and your partner both enjoy good and oft repeated sex then it will only help you to get closer and bond better. Any psychiatrist or counselor will tell you that more than half the marital problems arise out of two main causes. One is lack of communication and the other is infrequent sex. If only people told their spouses what exactly they wanted or initiated sex more often, lots of marriages could be saved.

"500 lovemaking tips and secrets" is an excellent book which gives you lots of valuable tips to better your sex life and also valuable advice to appear more attractive and desirable to your partner. Being in love translates into physicality when we make love with our partner. It is not only a physical urge which needs an outburst. It isn"t something we do just for biological and procreation purposes. Making love goes beyond all that. It is the essence of being very intimate and close with your partner, of being one with each other or needing each other and satisfying each other. Along with this comes, wanting each other physically which only goes to strengthen the emotional bond.

A few basic tips given in this very well researched book on love making will teach you how to subtly initiate sex, how to enjoy more foreplay, how to excite and invigorate each other, how to make physical contact and intimacy less urgent and how to prolong your erection among many others. Most women end up resenting sex after a few years because it takes a lot of arousal and proper intercourse for them to achieve orgasm. "500 lovemaking tips and secrets" looks at lovemaking from a woman"s point of view and it is definitely recommended to all husbands and men who are genuinely looking to please their women in bed.

Lots of issues are addressed in this great book. These issues range from elongated foreplay, proper and adequate penetration, different positions for sex depending on what you like, premature ejaculation, G spot stimulation and even tips on oral sex. In fact if you try one tip a night then you might run out of time but not tips to enhance your love life.

The author receives testimonials everyday from people who have read the book and adhered to the advice and tips in it. Some people claim it gave a new leash to their monotonous sex life, some claim it saved their marriage, some people vouch it brought then closer to their partners and many others.

Nothing in "500 lovemaking tips" is vulgar, cheap or immoral and every piece of advice can be taken up by most decent people even the shy kind for that matter. So if you are looking for something to spruce up your sex life or to surprise your partner with your new founds sexual confidence then make sure you pick up your copy of "500 lovemaking tips and secrets" off the shelf today.


Source by Dale Le

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